Ciclo de Cine para julio.
¡Hola a todos! The screening of Spanish cinema every Saturday afternoon at the Salón de Actos has been a long-standing tradition here in Instituto Cervantes de Manila. Every Saturday, at 6pm (on the dot!), films from Spain are projected on the big screen at the Salón. The films are open to anyone and everyone looking to catch a taste of Spanish cinema, seating is absolutely free but on a first-come first-serve basis.
So for a double dose of culture, a double dose of cinema, come to Instituto Cervantes every Saturday for the month of July.
Apartado de correos 1001 Mistery in Barcelona
3 de julio July 3
A tiro limpio Pistol Whipped
10 de julio July 10
La caja 507 Box 507
17 de julio July 17
Un oso rojo A Red Bear
24 de julio July 24
Heroína Heroine
30 de julio July 30
Immerse yourself in Spanish cinema, only here at Cultura en Manila. Y tú, ¿qué opinas? ¡Hasta pronto!
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